Meet our big hugger
14-week-old Emma is one of our babies currently in the Bubble Unit. Emma, from Ireland, was diagnosed with ADA SCID when she was just two weeks old after suffering pneumonia. After the diagnosis she was rushed straight to the Bubble and has been here ever since. Now, two weeks on from her bone marrow transplant, Emma is on the road to recovery.
Emma’s mum, Clodagh, said: “When we first arrived, the protocol and the dos and don’ts were explained to us. The biggest shock was that we couldn’t kiss Emma; not even her head or her cheek. We couldn’t touch faces. That was the hardest. Tiny little things like that, when they’re taken away, it breaks your heart.”
“Now Emma is responding well to transplant her isolation has been partially downgraded. Last week, for the first time in more than two months, we were able to give her a kiss on the cheek. The feeling was worth anything in the world. Hopefully, thanks to the work of the Bubble Unit there will be plenty more kisses to come.”

To all the amazing nurses…consultants. …cleaning staff…..carers…play therapists and of course the patients past and present on Ward 3 have a wonderful Christmas without The Bubble Foundation I just don’t know what we would have done, Emma sends big hugs xx