WorldPIWeek 2019
2019 entries so far! (Updated 23rd April 2019)

Calling all entries for World PI Week!
To raise awareness of recurring infections being a sign of Primary Immunodeficiencies we’re asking you to draw your very own repeat offenders and giving you the chance to get your drawing turned into an animation!
Visit the campaign on facebook to enter
All you need to do is submit your drawings by sending us a direct message on facebook. Then donate £4 on facebook or share to enter.
Donating £4 to this fundraiser gets you FOUR entries into the challenge. 1 share gets you ONE entry. You can do both for a total of FIVE entries.
Deadline 25th April 2019. All entries will be placed on our website during #WorldPIweek for the world to see. One lucky drawing will be brought to life through animation.
How do you get good resolution photos? A smartphone camera will do, lay the drawing flat on a table and take a picture from above in a WELL LIT area or scan it in. You can add your childs first name, age and city if you would like them to have credit for their artwork. This information could be published.
What is Primary Immunodeficiency?
“Primary immunodeficiencies are rare diseases which occur when a person’s immune system is absent or does not function properly. When a defect in the immune system is inherited (carried through the genes), it is called primary immunodeficiency.
There are over 380 forms of Primary Immunodeficiency (PI or PID), ranging widely in severity.
Primary Immunodeficiency often presents in the form of “common” infections, sometimes leading physicians to treat the infections while missing the underlying cause, allowing the infections to reoccur, and leaving the patient vulnerable to vital organ damage, physical disability, and even death.”
Source: (